Regular Events

regular events

This page details the usual events of the church, however not all events take place each week. For a weekly list of events due to take place, please check this page.


Morning Service
For more information please see Sundays. Communion is served on the 1st Sunday of the month.

Evening Service
For more information please see Sundays.


Men’s table tennis
from 10.15am
An informal men’s table tennis session for inexpert players, with coffee and chat.  All equipment supplied; the only thing we need is you!


Coffee Break
10.00am-11.45am (1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month)
Come along for a cuppa and a biscuit.  Meet other people and have a natter.  Each week we have a guest speaker.

Art at Oadby
9.30am-12.00pm midday (2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month)
Interested in having a go at drawing and painting? If so, this is just the art group for you! Don’t come in your best clothes! All materials provided. To ensure that there are enough materials and places available, please contact us in advance if you would like to come.

Prayer meeting
2.00pm (2nd Tuesday of the month)
Informal prayer meeting in the home of one of the church’s members.


Shining Stars (Baby & toddler group)
9.30am-11.00am (Wednesdays during term time)
Our stay and play baby and toddler group

‘Life’ small group
from 2.30pm (2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month)
This small group meets at the North Memorial Hall for Bible study and prayer.

Reflection & prayer
7.30pm (1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month)
We meet at the North Memorial Hall for a brief time of reflection and devotion from the Bible and a time of prayer. Communion is also served on the 3rd week of the month.

‘Life’ small group
from 7.30pm (2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month)
This small group meets in a members’ home for Bible study and prayer.

Missionary Prayer Meeting
7.30pm (5th Wednesday of the month if there is one)
To pray for overseas missionaries whom the church supports in various parts of the world.


‘Life’ small group
from 7.30pm (2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month)
This small group meets in a members’ home for Bible study and prayer.


SWANS (Short Walks And No Stiles)
9.30am (1st Friday of the month)
Meet at North Memorial Homes for a gentle walk.


Prayer meeting on Zoom
Join us as we bring our prayer requests to God together.