This sermon series is based on the book of Amos.
Please note that all the Bible Readings are from the English Standard Version UK.
Date: 7th July 2019
Preacher: Stuart Glover (OEFC)
Title: Them, us and Him
Bible Reading: Amos 1-2
Date: 21st July 2019
Preacher: Stuart Glover (OEFC)
Title: Living outside our comfort zone
Bible Reading: Amos 3-4
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Sermon Series
How Jesus prays
Sermon Series: How Jesus prays
This series is looking at John 17 where Jesus prays after the last supper.
Please note that all the Bible Readings are from the English Standard Version UK.
Date: 29th July 2018
Preacher: Brandon Nelson (Minister)
Title: Who does Jesus pray for?
Bible Reading: John 17
Date: 5th August 2018
Preacher: Brandon Nels...
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Knowing God by Name
Sermon Series: Knowing God by Name
This series is looking at the different names of God by which God has revealed himself to us in the Bible. It is based on our church's motto text for 2018 which is "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations".
Please note that all the Bible Readings are from the English Standard Version UK.
Date: 14th January 2018
Preacher: Br...
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This morning sermon series is based on the letter Paul wrote to Titus about setting up the first churches in Cyprus.
Please note that all the Bible Readings are from the English Standard Version UK.
Date: 29th April 2018
Preacher: Brandon Nelson (Minister)
Title: Be devoted to the Gospel and be devoted to Good Works
Bible Reading: Titus 1 vs 1-16
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Seven Stories of Hope
Sermon Series: Seven Stories of Hope
This morning sermon series is based on the Seven Stories of Hope booklet that is available within our church building.
Please note that all the Bible Readings are from the English Standard Version UK.
Date: 25th February 2018
Preacher: Brandon Nelson (Minister)
Title: The Woman who Wept
Bible Reading: Luke 7 vs 36-50
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Go Make Disciples
Sermon Series: Go Make Disciples
This series is based on the Church Motto Text 2018 “Go therefore…and make disciples of all nations” Matthew chapter 28, verse 19.
Please note that all the Bible Readings are from the English Standard Version UK.
Date: 21st January 2018
Preacher: Brandon Nelson (Minister)
Title: Go Make Disciples (part 1)
Bible Reading: Matthew 28 v...
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